Tyrannosaur – a dinosaur
Listen, I’m Scottish, but I’m not a violent drunk or dosser.
So I’m not often amused to see yet another unshaven, drink-soaked Scot on a cinema screen. Granted Scotland does enough to promote this image of itself, but I’ve
had my fill of this stuff.
So I’m not sure that this movie deserves the plaudits it’s
received. A grim tale of relentless violence it simply plods, like its main
character, through episode after episode of drink, desperation and death. There
aren’t any shades of grey, only dull, depressing darkness. Neither does it follow
through as tragedy, as the ending is an optimistic afterthought. Granted the performances were good but where was the writing. The characters are class clichés; the drunk Scot, the loquacious
Irishman, the thug with dog, the English housewife. Just no surprises.
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