Zabludowitz Collection

As one would expect, it’s a bit of a mish-mash. I could have done without the Hulusi walls. They’re annoyingly oppressive and distracting. It dilutes the whole collection.
The Boo Ritson, she of painted faces fame, is a great start, although even Boo Ritson is descending into celebrity pieces, which would be a shame. It would be great of artists were a little less sycophantic towards collectors. I would have lathered her in green paint (the colour of money).
Manu von Kohler’s giant soldier kit is pop art at its best. Broken mirror handbags, video installation, scaffolding and paint tins are dull and mute. Gilbert and George make me want to reach for a sledge hammer.
An interesting game in collections such as these is to guess the name of the work. ‘Untitled’ is a good bet.
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