Hockney - National Portrait Gallery

This was a schizophrenic experience. Hockney's explicit homosexuality, urbanity and LA sunshine still startles a conservative Britain and picture in these areas remain his best work. I also like the intimate images of his mother and father. My Parents is touching. Mr and mrs Clark with Percy is just fine.
However, the photography and later portraits fail to deliver. The curator drawings are of real interest as part of his quest for exposing the use of optical devices in art, but in themselves of no artistic interest. I have to say that this bo

From early 15th century many Western artists used optics. Is this cheating - not so says Hockney. The artist still makes the mark and drawing is still as difficult.
Visual clues include:
- precise and accurate drawing, not eyeballed and groped for
- differences in s
cale as optical device is moved and magnification changes
- patterns on folded material follow folds precisely
- photographic lighting with strong shadows
- optical devices (lenses) start to appear in paintings
- changes in focus
- foreground objects and effects very large
- lens artefacts - halo effects
- effects not seen with naked eye
- patterns go out of focus at back
- differences in perspective as optical device is moved and magnification changes
- collage construction - few overlaps - separate images on one canvas
- thirty centimetre rule for mirror projection - the sweet spot
- popularity of still lifes
- left-hand3ed drinkers etc.
- closeness of figures to picture plane
- white table cloths to allow refocussing
- undermarks to establish shapes
- captured expressions (Hals)
- distortion
- connections between artists and scientists (especially Vermeer)
The Abassadors - Holbein. We have the distorted skulls and amazing detail on cabinet.
Merchant in Berlin - Holbein
I was to see this Holbein image in berln some months later. It is astonishing to see the obvious error in real life. the bottom right hand corner literally fal;ls away in an attempt to get the pot of money seen ( at a different perspective).
Arnolfini Wedding
Convex mirror and chandelier seen front on and not from below as expected.
Carravagio's Bacchus
close to picture frame, left handed
Frans hals - feather in cap
impossib;e capture of expression
Velasquez -Don Gusten
result of moving limited range device
Frans Hals - long man
result of moving limited range device
Genovese lady - van Dyke
result of moving limited range device
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