Day 4 - Lost and Found

Those who have seen Terry Garoghan’s ‘Brighton - The Musical’ will remember the song, ‘I believe in Dockerills’, sung to the tune of Hot Chocolate’s ‘I believe in Miracles’. Lost and Found is this idea writ large.
It opens wonderfully with instrument cases being used as instruments and follows through with the imaginative wringing out of sounds from junk – fingers on glass rims, bottles openings being blown by bellows (echoes of Brighton’s Bottle Orchestra), pipes, traffic cones, rubber tubes, saws, plant pots, gas cylinders, sticks, water bottles, wet towels, ventilation ducts, sticks and so on.
A great idea, although at times a little too busy and in need of an extra dimension to lift the arrangements out of pure percussion. When that one additional dimension was added, it took the idea to another level. The singer who steps out of the shower was a good example. Another outstanding lift was the mournful angelic sounds from hoses swirled from the roof of the set. Others included the trapeze-like pipe ringing session – an astonishing piece of choreography. The guy with the mohican dragging an axe across the stage. The young choir, brought on near the end of the show also took the performance to another level as it reached its finale. Looks set to move effortlessly from Brighton to Broadway.
On exiting the Dome I saw a man in a fluorescent coat on a unicycle. That wasn’t surprising in itself, it was the fact that he was cycling home to Lewes in the dark. Only in Brighton!
4 stars
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